Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Why Racoons Now?

I was thinking the other day, why are we having racoons move in now? We haven't had them for years and years, so close and so destructive. Two reasons:
1. The river is up. We are seeing more racoons and shunks than in previous years. They have to go somewhere - right?
2. Max is gone. Max is a beagle whose owner in neightborhood who will remain nameless let him run and go hungry. So Nancy, my neighbor and friend, started feeding him and putting pest control stuff on him and I did, too. Max's owner had to move, so we thought he would just leave Max and then Nancy and I would split the responsibilities of taking care of Max. Max liked Ed and Nancy better - they fed him really good stuff and he loved to take naps with Ed. Max looked to me when he was covered with burrs and ticks for me to get them off of him and give him a bath or when he couldn't breather because his collar was too tight, so I cut it off him.
Max is like most dogs that live outside and doesn't like baths.
Max ran rabbits between our house and Ed & Nancy's place, so racoons were not inclined to move in, with that noisy dog.
I miss Max.

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