Friday, June 12, 2009

Keys to Survival

Tonight was Relay for Life. My Cousin, Sheila had breast cancer. Her sisters put together a team called "Keys to Survival." (Their maiden names is Key.)This is the third year for it.
This years theme was the 1980s. Here's our booth.

I made cookies and they were selling pretty well. Then my cousin's granddaughter decided to help and she toted the basket of cookies around for a long time saying "cookies for sale one dollar." Finally, she became tired of her chant and made a sign. All but 3 the cookies sold by the time I left. Jocelyn is holding the sign she made.

This is Brenda and Karla, my cousins who run the team. They do a really great job every year. Thanks ladies! They are not unhappy, the sun is in their eyes.

And this is my cousin Sheila, who is a cancer survior, hence our theme Rocky, Don't stop fighting until a cure is found.

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