Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom-Love Those Upside Down Tomato Plants

Today is my Mom's brithday. Since I'm out of school and it is close to Father's Day I usually take Mom and Bob to lunch. We went Chili's for lunch today. The food was good or we were just hungry that I didn't take any pictures. However, when we got back to their place, I saw their upside down tomato plants, so I snapped a couple of pictures. They grow in just a small amount of soil and hang from a 2x4. Bugs are less likely to get them, watering is easy and no bending to pick tomatoes!

Bob told me I had to quit buying things for my house. He said everytime I do Mom has to have the same thing. I didn't get it at first, then Bob reminded me Mom is getting a new range. It has a double oven and warming area, one part is convection.
My new range cannot do anything near what that range/oven is going to be able to do.

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