Saturday, December 6, 2008

They're baaaaack!

The Bowers Kitchen where most people hung out at during the party - it was fun!

Geoff and Allison

Aunt Allison, Jackson, & McKinley

Phil and Jen, Geoff's cousins

Geoff introducing Jackson to pinball

Friday night Jim and I were invited to go to Kim and Leonard Bowers home for Allison and Geoff's coming home party. There were not a lot of people there and that made it even better. We arrived a bit after 7pm and didn't leave until after 1 am. Time flew. We talked to everyone and did a lot of catching up. Sarah L. brought her new baby, Violet. What a cutie. Sara and Travis and the kids were there. The g-kids really needed to be in bed. They were a bit on the crabby side.
All the kids and g-kids will be here Sunday. Allison and Geoff are staying Sunday night and hanging with Jim and I on Monday.

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