Friday, December 19, 2008

Grandma's Lunch Date

Friday, December 12, 2008
Sara, Travis, their kids, Allison and Jim came to my school for lunch. I only have 25 minutes lunch so they brought McDonld's to my room. My fourth hour class still had about 4 minutes, so they entertained my family for a few minutes. My room is big, but that class is 28 kids, so Jackson and McKinley were wide eyed seeing all those students. The bell rang and they were off. So we ate and Jackson got to play with the smartboard for a few minutes, then I took him to my store room. He was fascinated with an old staple puller, eraser and storage basket. Then he went to my team mate's room and picked out 3 cans of play dough, just because he was so well behaved in her room, she gave him a fourth one. He was quite pleased with his new "toys." McKinley was very happy to look around the room as she ate her lunch.
As I walked them to the front door, students and teachers all oohed and aahed over them.

Mckinley and Grandpa

Sara and McKinley

Travis and Jackson

McKinley and Allison

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