Thursday, December 4, 2008


For Thanksgiving this year Jim and I headed to O'lathe, KS to see the kids and g-kids. As soon as we arrived, Sara put dinner on the table. Thank you!!! Later I made a chocolate pie and introduced the g-kids to it. Mmmmmm! McKinley loved it! She's a girl, it is chocolate - instant love. Jackson took his time making up his mind if he even wanted to try it. After he saw McKinley eating it, he tried it and liked it.

The other exciting thing that happened is Jim and I helped Sara and Travis paint their 2 story entry way. It was work, but we did it in one day. Travis, Sara and I painted and Jim held the ladder for me to keep me steady. Being 20 ft. off the ground painting is not my idea of a safe activity. None the less, I volunteered since it was my idea we do this for their Christmas present. Travis was the real trooper here. He held his arms out for about 2 hours hanging the new hall light.
The next morning we had one thing left to do. Hang the shade. I guess Travis had really rested his arms, because he hung that, too.

Travis' parents came all the way from Texas to hang out for a couple of days.
Here is a picture of Grams and McKinley.

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