Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas with Allison & Geoff

Jim and Allison pick out a bottle of wine for Jim's B-Day dinner. For dinner we had steak, baked potatoes, salad and yeast rolls - it was so good.

Geoff is dressed for work. He did have to work a couple of days while we were there.
See his tie - We bought him that for Christmas. Geoff looks good!

Geoff and Allison.

Geoff, Allison and Larry - Christmas night as we were sitting down to dinner.
We listened to smooth jazz while we ate.

For Christmas dinner we had chicken cordeu blue, pasta, and salad. Another excellent meal.

What is Christmas without fresh baked cookies? These are peanut butter cookies with hersey kisses on top. We had to go to two stores to find plain kisses. Later we baked chocolate chip cookies, too.

Allison scooping dough onto cookies sheet.

Geoff and Allison are opening their presents. I wrapped their presents and mailed them out there, so they could open presents on Christmas morning. Kim mailed some presents and they had those to open, too. We had a really good time.
In 20 years this is the first time we have opened presents on Christmas morning. We usually open them Christmas Eve.

This is Mt. Hood. I took these on the flight into Portland. The back and left side is surrounded by clouds.

Today's plane food is every different from just a few years ago. This is the food for a four hour plane ride.

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