Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas with Allison & Geoff

Jim and Allison pick out a bottle of wine for Jim's B-Day dinner. For dinner we had steak, baked potatoes, salad and yeast rolls - it was so good.

Geoff is dressed for work. He did have to work a couple of days while we were there.
See his tie - We bought him that for Christmas. Geoff looks good!

Geoff and Allison.

Geoff, Allison and Larry - Christmas night as we were sitting down to dinner.
We listened to smooth jazz while we ate.

For Christmas dinner we had chicken cordeu blue, pasta, and salad. Another excellent meal.

What is Christmas without fresh baked cookies? These are peanut butter cookies with hersey kisses on top. We had to go to two stores to find plain kisses. Later we baked chocolate chip cookies, too.

Allison scooping dough onto cookies sheet.

Geoff and Allison are opening their presents. I wrapped their presents and mailed them out there, so they could open presents on Christmas morning. Kim mailed some presents and they had those to open, too. We had a really good time.
In 20 years this is the first time we have opened presents on Christmas morning. We usually open them Christmas Eve.

This is Mt. Hood. I took these on the flight into Portland. The back and left side is surrounded by clouds.

Today's plane food is every different from just a few years ago. This is the food for a four hour plane ride.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

24 Hours to Eugene or ODOT Needs to go Back to Highway Clearing School or Next Time We Will Fly Directly to Eugene

Jim insisted they look for a front wheel drive car - I'm glad he did. We drove a new Impala. It is a nice car.

Our trip to Eugene, OR to visit Allison and Geoff started out great. The weatherman had predicted ice for St. Louis and just as our plane took off it started to sleet - Dodged that bullet. Our plane landed in KC, no problems, and they hurried us onto the our next plane so they could take off on time. The flight attendant called Jim a "dawg." Turns out she was pretty entertaining the whole flight. We landed in Portland, OR early, about 30 minutes or so.

That's where the problems started. We went to baggage claim. There were bags stacked taller than 5 feet in some areas and the carousel was full of bags and the people standing around were grumbling and angry. One lady said her planed 4 hours prior and had not found her luggage yet. So we stood around for 20 minutes or so and Jim left to find someone.

Someone two flights before us pulled their luggage from the carousel, then another, then another, people started cheering. New bags stopped coming out.
By then Jim was back and not so happy, they told him to watch the monitor. He left once again to find someone.

This time when he came back, he said they changed our flight to the next carousel. The carousel was stacked with bags - not so good. I spotted our black bag. Jim pulled it off the carousel. A few minutes later, we had our blue bag.
One left - Allison's red bag we brought back so they didn't have to pay extra fees.
We found it and headed to Enterprise for our car.

Turns out our car choices were Challenger or Impala. We took the Impala because it had front wheel drive. I'm so glad we did.

The Enterprise guy told us to head down 205S to I-5S. It was 4:14 pm. Two days before Portland had 14 inches of snow. The highway wasn't that bad. Apparently, what we think is not bad, is a big issue here. Soon we found ourselves sitting on 205 - maybe every 20 minutes or so moving a 100 feet maybe more. At one point we sat- no movement - for 45 minutes.

ODOT had closed the highway at rush hour - how smart was that???? Then we found out that they don't use salt on the roads - it is bad for the environment. Isn't 15 to 20 miles of cars back up on the highway for 8 hours - YES, I said EIGHT hours just as bad? Big trucks were getting stuck, so they closed the highway to clear the ice and snow and put down sand. The radio people were so stupid, they kept reporting,it is moving, it is moving, but we were still sitting.

This is about 7 hours into the drive.

Finally, about 12:30 am, remember we left Enterprise at 4:14 pm, we made a last second decision to go north on I-5. We were about to enter the last split of the exit. It was a good move - for IDOT in their obvious inexperience closed the exit - leaving all the cars and trucks sitting there once again.

Here's the really big thing - no police - no announcements on the radio - nothing to give people an idea of their plan. I called IDOT - got a recording - I called 511, highway emergency - I got the same recording. In the almost 8 hours on 205 we saw one IDOT truck - he was the one who closed the exit, NOT ONE police car and one ambulance. This must be where the story of police eating donuts came from because they do NOT help with traffic problems.

So our last second decision to go north on I-5 was what got us to a bathroom, water, and junk food (Mounds, Cheetos & ice cream)was a winner. We got onto I-5 S and headed to Eugene.

We then found ourselves behind a rolling blockade so people would not drive over 15 MPH. Jim didn't care we were moving. Finally somewhere south of Salem, OR we found our car rolling at the speed limit. We arrived in Eugene at 2:35 am. (that is 4:35 St. Louis time - about the time I got up on Tues.).

Geoff, Allison and Larry were glad to see us and that made it worthwhile. Geoff grilled us some brats and broke open a bottle of wine. And since it was the 24th, we wished Jim a happy birthday before we turned in for the night, I mean morning.
(traffic jam pictures to be posted later)

Friday, December 19, 2008

More 2008 Early Christmas Pictures

Jim & I

Our Nieces - Amilia, Lisa, Jessie & Jessie's new husband, Jake.
Jake fit right in, playing pools with the big boys and hanging with the little kids.

Bernie, Carol, and Ray (Jim's siblings and mine, too)

Allison and Geoff

Jackson being tickled by Uncle Geoff

My Mom and Bob were here for the party, too.

Grandma's Lunch Date

Friday, December 12, 2008
Sara, Travis, their kids, Allison and Jim came to my school for lunch. I only have 25 minutes lunch so they brought McDonld's to my room. My fourth hour class still had about 4 minutes, so they entertained my family for a few minutes. My room is big, but that class is 28 kids, so Jackson and McKinley were wide eyed seeing all those students. The bell rang and they were off. So we ate and Jackson got to play with the smartboard for a few minutes, then I took him to my store room. He was fascinated with an old staple puller, eraser and storage basket. Then he went to my team mate's room and picked out 3 cans of play dough, just because he was so well behaved in her room, she gave him a fourth one. He was quite pleased with his new "toys." McKinley was very happy to look around the room as she ate her lunch.
As I walked them to the front door, students and teachers all oohed and aahed over them.

Mckinley and Grandpa

Sara and McKinley

Travis and Jackson

McKinley and Allison

Little Kid Pictures

McKinley eating cake and ice cream. She is going to think she has to have cake and ice cream everytime she comes to Grandpa and Grandma's house.

Jackson and McKinley playing in the box. They were laughing and crawling in and out and playing jack in box. At one point I was laughing so hard at them I couldn't take pictures of them.

Jackson eating cake and ice cream. He has now decided food especially sweet food isn't too bad. And it gives you energy.

This is Logan, my nephew eating cake. He is right between Jackson and McKinley in age.

How to Eat Nachos

"Daddy, what's this?"

"Mmmmmmmm nachos, I like nachos!"

"Watch me McKinley - you eat them like this."

"See Daddy - just like you eat them."

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Geoff in the Box!

I couldn't believe when I saw Jackson's Uncle Geoff climbing into the box. Geoff is about 6 feet 7 inches tall, give or take a couple of inches. Geoff just loves to play with Jackson and vise versa. Kids just love playing in boxes, so Geoff climbed right in and he and Jackson got down to the business of some serious play with moments of football game watching.

Christmas Celebration Early

Me, McKinley, Sara, Allison

We had a bit of trouble getting a picture of all the Kuhls. The g-kids were worn out!

McKinley playing with her new toy from Great Grandma Mary.

Geoff meets his other Grandma in law, Helen. It is her first time attending. We are glad she got to be here with us.

This is Beth, my sister and her son, Logan. Yep, more blond hair. Beth's hair was like this when she was young. Logan's hair will probably turn dark like Beth's when he is older.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Sara!

Tuesday, Dec. 9th is Sara's birthday. She doesn't want to have anymore birthdays, so I guess we will start calling them "unbirthdays." Here are a few pictures from the celebration today.

Sara and McKinley (McKinley ate a lot of cake and ice cream)

Travis, Sara, McKinley and Jackson

Jackson helping Sara blow out her candles.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

They're baaaaack!

The Bowers Kitchen where most people hung out at during the party - it was fun!

Geoff and Allison

Aunt Allison, Jackson, & McKinley

Phil and Jen, Geoff's cousins

Geoff introducing Jackson to pinball

Friday night Jim and I were invited to go to Kim and Leonard Bowers home for Allison and Geoff's coming home party. There were not a lot of people there and that made it even better. We arrived a bit after 7pm and didn't leave until after 1 am. Time flew. We talked to everyone and did a lot of catching up. Sarah L. brought her new baby, Violet. What a cutie. Sara and Travis and the kids were there. The g-kids really needed to be in bed. They were a bit on the crabby side.
All the kids and g-kids will be here Sunday. Allison and Geoff are staying Sunday night and hanging with Jim and I on Monday.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

One More Day

Geoff and Allison come home tomorrow.

The last evening we were supposed to go out with them before Allison left, I was driven home from my school by my boss. I was very sick and Jim was in meetings at work and couldn't be reached.
Jim went out to dinner with them, as I lay on the bathroom floor throwing up. Yuck!
I didn't even get to hug them good-bye.
Tomorrow night I'm going to hug the stuffing out of both of them.

More Misc Thanksgiving Pictures

McKinley's new "big" bed. When she noticed it, she became interested.

McKinley playing with the letters on the refrigerator. What a great invention.

McKinley ate this whole banana, then ate breakfast afterwards!

Jackson playing on the slide. They do love this slide.

Jim had to drive 60 mph to O'lathe. We took up the slide, McKinley's new bedroom furniture and a 20 foot ladder. We had a full load. This is red truck #3.

Annette's Playlist

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