Thursday, July 9, 2009

Rocky IX

Last night before I went to bed I looked at the trap and there was a raccoon in the trap. It was too big to be Rocky VII or VIII. This morning when I woke up, there was Rocky IX in the trap and Rockies VII & VIII behind the pool looking for food. I thought IX might be Momma, but not so. In the picture you can see Rocky IX has some red on it's head. It is blood, either it was fighting with another raccoon or hurt itself trying to get out of the cage. It is not as bad as it looks, I promise. The trap is set tonight...once again in hopes of catching Rockies VII & VIII both, so they can be released together.
The man in the picture is Ed. He is letting us use his trap(s)and is even taking the raccoons to their new homes...far, far away.

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