Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ozark Visit

I did a quick trip to the Ozarks to see my sister and her family.
This is Yodi, their dog. He has the soul of a cat and tries to act like one. He loves laser pointers and will chase one until he falls over.

My nephew, Seth was there and got into poison ivy. He let me put meds on his face. Later he made popcorn and we shared a bowl and watched TV after everyone else went to bed. He informed me his now 5 feet tall. He has a girlfriend now.

This is Logan's version of how Mr. Potato Head should look. He opened his b-day presents and loved the the fact you can put Mr. Potato Head's extra parts in his butt. He also decided some of his smaller action figures could fit in there, too.
Later he used the tooth brush I gave him to brush his teeth (Beth rebrushed them later with the electric one, I think).

This is Beth. She is 21 weeks pregnant with a boy. We had a good time throwing out names. Beth catches up on Facebook while Logan takes a bath. She sits in the bathroom with him. He talks to her while he plays with his favorite tub toys. He washes himself and then Beth checks and rewashes.

Well Logan got out of the bath tub with some of his toys and when attempting to put the toys back into the tub, he tripped and hit his jaw bone on the edge of the tub. He let out a yell and cried for about 30 seconds. You can see the red mark in this picture. Beth is pretty skilled - she grabbed him, checked him, hugged him and then made him laugh - Logan didn't think too much more about his jaw hurting. I'll bet he has a pretty good size bruise. Just one of many to come - he is all boy, even has fake tatoos.

I was sad to go after such a short time. Jon cooked dinner while we went to the mall to buy Seth some shoes. He lucked out, he got two pair. We had a good dinner that included cucumber and tomatoes from their garden - mmmm-good!

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