Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Preparing For School

Today, I met with my new CWC (class within a class)teacher. She is around my age. We talked about how CWC works and how I run my classroom. We spent time getting to know each other. We decided that most of the decisions need to wait until we know who the CWC kids are and what their levels and disabilities are. She has worked for Parkway and the Special School District of St. Louis County. She has been at FHM for 2 years now. She makes great candied pecans from a family recipe. I think she will be a positive addition to our team.
I did show her how I make the yearly calendar and since she is visual, it works for her. Now if all my GLEs fit on it, that will be a feat to crow about.
We also have a new Math teacher on our team. She is young, but I don't how young and comes to FHM from one of our other middle schools. I heard she upbeat and has a lot of energy. She will need it at FHM.
I haven't been able to get in my room due to summer school being held at our school and cleaning our rooms. I hope next week to get into my room to get it set up.It should look something like this for the start of school.

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