Friday, July 24, 2009

Good Bye Mustang, Hello Escape

Beth and John bought my Mustang, so I know it will have a good home. The exhaust was just getting throaty and sounding all tough, too. At least, it will sound so cool for them.

John and Seth drove home, at least part of the drive, with the top down. Hailey rode with Beth.

Good-bye Mustang.

Hello Escape. After the Mustang left, Jim & I went and picked up our new Escape. It isn't the one we bought, but they found another one and it met all our needs. The color is light sage.

The Escape now wears the STARRY plate.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ozark Visit

I did a quick trip to the Ozarks to see my sister and her family.
This is Yodi, their dog. He has the soul of a cat and tries to act like one. He loves laser pointers and will chase one until he falls over.

My nephew, Seth was there and got into poison ivy. He let me put meds on his face. Later he made popcorn and we shared a bowl and watched TV after everyone else went to bed. He informed me his now 5 feet tall. He has a girlfriend now.

This is Logan's version of how Mr. Potato Head should look. He opened his b-day presents and loved the the fact you can put Mr. Potato Head's extra parts in his butt. He also decided some of his smaller action figures could fit in there, too.
Later he used the tooth brush I gave him to brush his teeth (Beth rebrushed them later with the electric one, I think).

This is Beth. She is 21 weeks pregnant with a boy. We had a good time throwing out names. Beth catches up on Facebook while Logan takes a bath. She sits in the bathroom with him. He talks to her while he plays with his favorite tub toys. He washes himself and then Beth checks and rewashes.

Well Logan got out of the bath tub with some of his toys and when attempting to put the toys back into the tub, he tripped and hit his jaw bone on the edge of the tub. He let out a yell and cried for about 30 seconds. You can see the red mark in this picture. Beth is pretty skilled - she grabbed him, checked him, hugged him and then made him laugh - Logan didn't think too much more about his jaw hurting. I'll bet he has a pretty good size bruise. Just one of many to come - he is all boy, even has fake tatoos.

I was sad to go after such a short time. Jon cooked dinner while we went to the mall to buy Seth some shoes. He lucked out, he got two pair. We had a good dinner that included cucumber and tomatoes from their garden - mmmm-good!

Rocky X

Rocky X was caught last week. The trap hasn't been set since then, even though there are other raccoons (tracks on pool steps). This one was much healthier looking and probably just passing through. No sightings of Rockies VII & VIII at least a week. Maybe they moved on (hopefully).

Preparing For School

Today, I met with my new CWC (class within a class)teacher. She is around my age. We talked about how CWC works and how I run my classroom. We spent time getting to know each other. We decided that most of the decisions need to wait until we know who the CWC kids are and what their levels and disabilities are. She has worked for Parkway and the Special School District of St. Louis County. She has been at FHM for 2 years now. She makes great candied pecans from a family recipe. I think she will be a positive addition to our team.
I did show her how I make the yearly calendar and since she is visual, it works for her. Now if all my GLEs fit on it, that will be a feat to crow about.
We also have a new Math teacher on our team. She is young, but I don't how young and comes to FHM from one of our other middle schools. I heard she upbeat and has a lot of energy. She will need it at FHM.
I haven't been able to get in my room due to summer school being held at our school and cleaning our rooms. I hope next week to get into my room to get it set up.It should look something like this for the start of school.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Rocky IX

Last night before I went to bed I looked at the trap and there was a raccoon in the trap. It was too big to be Rocky VII or VIII. This morning when I woke up, there was Rocky IX in the trap and Rockies VII & VIII behind the pool looking for food. I thought IX might be Momma, but not so. In the picture you can see Rocky IX has some red on it's head. It is blood, either it was fighting with another raccoon or hurt itself trying to get out of the cage. It is not as bad as it looks, I promise. The trap is set tonight...once again in hopes of catching Rockies VII & VIII both, so they can be released together.
The man in the picture is Ed. He is letting us use his trap(s)and is even taking the raccoons to their new homes...far, far away.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Lexi's 2nd Anniversary With Us

Today is Lexi's 2nd anniversity with us. She has made a milestone recently.
I can now hold her in my arms and occasionally she will sit in my lap. When I was in Texas she woke Jim up every morning before his alarm went off.
We love you Lexi... you have found yourself a "loving you" family.

Texas Pictures

This is the cassino we visited... pretty cool!

"Grandma" - healing nicely


Table and Chairs - delivered w/o any problems

Acquistion from the Thrift Shop

Thrift Shop (Look who is in the picture!)

More Rockies - Here Are Two of Them

I took this picture of the 2 baby racoons. They are about 3-4 months old. I was about 6 feet away from them. They were not afraid of me. My neighbor told me he saw 4 of them playing in the water in his front yard.
Jim told me if we caught one, the other may very well stay right by the cage.
I would like to release them the together, if possible.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Rocky VI In The Cage This AM

I opened the service door Thursday morning there sat Rocky VI. This one was also timid.I gave it water and even moved cage and he didn't growl or anything. It was weird again. I positioned the trash can so he wouldn't be in the sun. Ed came and took number VI far, far away.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Caught Rocky V

This morning when I got up, there was Rocky V in the trap. Rocky VI was behind the pool eating the corn I had thrown out for the deer.
So needless to say the trap is set tonight in hopes of catching Rocky VI.

Rocky V was a timid thing. Ed, the guy who takes them away said the V didn't do anything when he picked up the cage, so that was an indication it may have distemper.
I gave him water twice this morning before I left and made sure he was in the shade.

Annette's Playlist

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