Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Science Fair

For years all my students did Science Fair. I loved doing it. We had a system worked out that kept the kids working on the project for most of the year.
Funding was cut about 5 years ago and we stopped requiring Science Fair projects.
One of my students came to me and said she would like to do Science Fair. So we worked out a schedule and she came with a couple of ideas. I helped her work out the gliches and she worked out really hard to produce a really good experiment and report. Below is her Science Fair Board that she entered in the County Science Fair.
She took second in her catagory.
She reminded me of how much fun it was all those years doing Science Fair with the kids. So next year, I'm going to offer extra credit to my students - Science Fair broken into 4 sections - one for each quarter.
Thanks for doing Science Fair!

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