Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring Flowers

Today was a beautiful day to work in the yard. I was out at 8 am and went in for dinner after 6 pm.
These are Jim's daffodils that were here when we moved in. The daffodils were around two trees. When both trees died and the trees were cut down, Jim made sure the plants were left. So when they come up every year, Jim carefully cuts around them until they die back for the summer.

This is a Bleeding Heart. Last year this plant got about 4 feet high and lived almost all summer. It is supposed to die back after it gets warm for the summer.

These are Pink Philox. They are in the pool area. It is actully an ever green, so it holds up really well where it is hot and dry.

This is purple philox. It is just outside the pool area and gets just a bit a shade.
It is 10 years old and is spreading some every year.

Today is the first day I used my Christmas present from Jim. I love this cart. It has a place for the little stuff so I can find it. It may sound weird to give someone a cart for Christmas, but I love anything I can use outside. I have a wheelbarrow, but Jim thought I might like this better. He was right. It is harder to tip over and since we have lots of slopes it works great.

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