Sunday, February 1, 2009

More Birthday Weekend

Travis appears to be in deep reflection. I believe his was watching one of the flat screens keeping up with sports news!

Saturday night, the kids went down and Sara & Travis were both still awake, so I thought I better get this picture. Usually the pictures I get of them are when they have fallen asleep watching TV.

Jackson and Mckinley watching the Bills game. They pretty much missed their naps that day.

Sweet Jack!

We received 4 extra tickets for the bills game for being season ticket holders.
It worked out really nice that Sara and Travis came to town and the game was in the afternoon, so they didn't have to arrive home in the middle of the night.

Mckinley is still little, so little she didn't weigh enough to hold the seat down unless she sat on the very edge.

We went to Humphrey's, the only bar on SLUs campus before the game and rode the bus over to the Chaifetz. We didn't have time to eat lunch so we had drinks and the kids ate their snacks.

The weekend before my birthday Jim and I went to the BX at Scott Airforce Base.
They had really good deals on shoes, so we found shoes for both kids. Mckinley decided she really, really liked hers...

so much she had to wear them to play in with her pjs on ...

and sleep with them that night.
Bless her heart, she is a girl taking after her grandma.

Mckinley playing.

Lexi wanted her picture taken - she felt a little left out while the kids and g-kids were here.

Jackson playing the guiter.

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