Thursday, February 26, 2009

#29 - #4 W. 6th Street, Gerald, MO

This is it, the new house. HUD kept rejecting our offers. Then they realized no one else was going to bid on it so they went back and accepted our last offer.

It doesn't need a lot of work. We are going to put hard wood floors in it and change out the bathroom sink. It has a pedestal sink now and there is a big spot, so we are going to put a sink and cabinet Jim bought a long time ago in there ( and I get it out of my garage). There are a couple of walls to fix and some painting to be done. The front door needs a seal and the kitchen needs a dishwasher. There is a big deck on back of it and some mature trees, but they are not too close to the house. On the side of the house is a tree that needs to come down. It promises future problems if it is not cut down.

This makes house # 3 in Franklin County and house #2 in Gerald. The address is a little tricky. I know Jim is just chomping at the bit to start work on it.

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