Friday, February 13, 2009

Baskets for Beine

Baskets for Beine is another idea from FHM to raise money for the Beine family. Officer Beine was our resource officer at school. Last July while working at one of his several charity events he was hit in the head by a golf ball. It caused a lot of brain and eye damage. Our school committed to raising money for the family so they can pay their utility bills for at least this school year.

We have a pasta dinner about this time every year. It is held in the cafeteria.
The students make cakes for dessert and the lady in charge, Mary Stone finds a caterer to furnish the pasta, salad and bread at a low cost.

This year we added Baskets for Beine. All the Teams made baskets to be raffled off. Our team ended up with 3 baskets with a Valentine theme. The intent was to make one big one, but I made two smaller ones, then a third one was created when items were donated to our team. This is one of our baskets.

Jim joined me for dinner in the school cafeteria. The place was packed. I bought tickets ahead of time so we had to only stand in the food line and not both the ticket and food lines.

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