Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Our Cats

Our cats, Sunny and Lexi have turned a corner. Since we came back from Oregon they are in the room we are in - right now Lexi is laying behind me in the computer chair.
Jim says she is like a dog now. If I leave a room, she gets up and follows me. Lexi has continued joining Jim in the bathroom when he gets ready for work. She meows at him and he talks to her and rubs her belly.
Sunny seems to be adjusting to his insulin and both cats continue to lose weight.
Lexi has lost 2 lbs. in 18 months and Sunny has lost 0.7 pounds since summer.
He stills begs to go outside. Now that it is cold, he doesn't stay out but a minute or two, then comes right in when we call him.

The new thinner, healthier Lexi

Pretty, pretty Lexi girl

Sunny in his favorite place

Sunny assuming the door position - he is very patient

Sunny relaxing - being on guard duty all night - makes him tired

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