Friday, January 2, 2009

Billikins Game

Since the St. Louis University Billikins returned to play at the Savis Center about 15 years ago, we have had tickets. At first, it was Jim and Allison who went. It was their Dad and daughter thing.
After Allison went to college, I started going with Jim. Now it is our "date thing" we do. I finally remembered to take some pictures. This year is the first year in their on arena on the St. Louis University campus. The arena is called Chaifetz Arena.
After seeing the HUGE difference in talent and coaching styles this year, I understand why Rick Majerus earns one million a year. He has a great eye for talent.
At any one time there are 3 freshmen playing for the most part. With their skill and talent you can hardly tell they are freshmen. Their record so far this year is
9 - 5.

This year's team during a time out.

The cheerleaders are very different this year. First they are called the Saintsations, next no males, and finally new uniforms - so much better than in past years.

This is the Billikin during the time out. Yep, he is holding a "gun" that shoots t-shirts into the crowd.

Our favs this year are: on the left Kevin Lisch, #14 Brian Conklin from Eugene, OR and #13 Willie Reed from KC, MO. (Guess the universe made us trade for the girls.)

Close up of the Billikin

Me & Jan, her & her husband are our friends we met at the games years ago.

Bob and Jim - Bob is retired from NGA - Jim and Bob know a lot of the same people.

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