Friday, January 2, 2009

Other Eugene, Oregon Sites

We knew the weather was not going to be great so we were not disappointed we couldn't hike or make it to the coast. These are some pictures from right around Eugene. Eugene lies in Williamatte Valley. It doesn't snow there often, but did twice this winter.

Eugene from Skinner Butte. There are two, this one you can drive to the top, so we opted for this one, as it was raining and pretty cold.

This is the stream they rerouted through Alton Baker Park and it leads back to the river.

Allison and me in the park. Notice how everything is not brown.

Because it is so wet, most trees have moss on them and it doesn't matter what side of the tree you are looking at, notice how green the grass is in the background

This a tree on Skinner Butte. I thought it was special because it was by itself. Most trees are grouped together.

Jim and me on Skinner Butte

Jim, Allison and Geoff on Skinner Butte. Geoff is wearing his new sweater. I am so glad it fits.

You can see the stadium from Skinner Butte, look for the O on the left.

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