Thursday, October 9, 2008


My daughter, Sara has a blog. I love reading it. I feel more connected to her and her family.
She puts pictures and stories of what they are doing on it. They live in Kansas and now do not seem so far away. She suggested I start one, too. I thought about it. I work a lot and I don't see or talk to my family near enough. Many times when I think of calling them, it is really late or really early, so if I have this blog, they can read what I'm up to, which is mostly working I two full time jobs, but I manage to take a little time for a social life and time for my husband, cats, and gardening.


  1. Great blog! i noted that I am not alone in the night hours catching up on email and such!!
    Thanks for coming to the wedding it was great to see everyone! Missed Allison though. She is so far away.
    Talk soon. Love, Lis

  2. Neat Pictures. I love reading blogs, they do help people be more connected. Take Care. Breanne

  3. I am excited to see you in the world of blogging. It looks great! I like to read about the happenings of loved ones when I can't always call. love you -sara


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