Saturday, October 11, 2008

Rental house yard- Clover

The last two days Jim & I have been working on a rental house. Somehow or the other, he ends up working inside and I end up working outside. I like working outside, so I really don't mind.
These two days have been really nice and I have enjoyed working in the overgrown yard of Clover. (We call all our rentals by their street name.) The renters were there for 7 years.
They planted lots of perenials, including herbs, hostas and bushes. I guess they didn't do a lot this summer since they knew they were moving. Today, I had to buy a new weed eater. I killed my two in the past two days. They were old weed eaters, probably close to 20 years old. Both were on their last leg and almost out of "string." I could have gotten one to work again, but when I went to buy string - they do not make that kind of cog and string anymore. So I found, a new by Black and Decker. It worked well and everytime I hit a big limb hidden in the entanglement of overgrown grass the string broke and it was easy to take that little cog out and pull out more string. Something improved and is easier to use instead of getting more complicated. I like the idea someone actually made it easier to use an weed whip instead of harder. And working outside for two days was a bonus!!

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