Sunday, October 19, 2008

Who are the 'bigger' kids?

A couple weeks ago Sara, Travis and the kids were in town. Sara and I took the kids to Wine Country Gardens. There is a playground there and the kids loved the slide. So I went to Craigs List and found a Little Tykes slide for them, one more their size. It can be used indoors or outside. The slide is one of their Christmas presents. This past Saturday the kids were here again. We took them outside to play and I just couldn't resist dragging out their slide.
McKinley squealed when she saw it. She knew exactly what to do. She still needed help climbing the steps, but loved it. When Jackson came out, we had to go over the rules of taking turns, but both kids loved it. I loved seeing them play on the slide, then inventing new games to play on it. McKinley wanted to do the reverse and go up the slide instead of down it. Jackson wanted his cars to have a turn going down and coming up. It was all smiles, including me.

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