Monday, July 19, 2010

Visiting the Kuhl's July 9th and 10th

We took a trip to O'lathe to see the Kuhl's.  The kids needed new shoes for school and that is my job. 
Jim and Travis did some work that didn't turn out like planned, so now another trip is needed to finish that. 
 Mckinley always seems to like pink the best.  She got shoes and socks. 

Jackson seems to choose something with blue.  He is true boy!

Travis and Jim working on the railing.

Travis and the kids looking at what we thought was the finished product.  Little did we know the other rails were a different height.  This one is now waiting to be re-done. 
When we go up next, Jim will help take it apart and put it back together at the correct height.
All will be good.

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