Friday, July 30, 2010

Houston, TX

I took a week long trip to Houston, TX a couple of weeks ago to see my friend Connie.  Connie has lots of wild cats living near her.  One little one black and white kitty found his way into her heart.
Meet Buster!
Since Buster is so young, one year + a couple of months, Connie made me promise to take him if something happens to her. 
So Buster will be our kitty.

Remember he is a wild cat.  In order to pet him I had to sit on the floor and stay quiet, then he would come over by me and I could pet him. If I would walk through the house or move too fast he would be gone.

Connie and I took a trip to the Coushatta Resort.  We saw a show that featured look/sing alikes.
Our entertainers were Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson.
This Michael was not thin.  He still was very nice.  I call this the angry Michael, because of most of the songs he sang.

  This is the young Elvis and he had a great voice.  He did dance well, but his voice was so much like the real Elvis.  It was hard to believe when he opened his mouth to sing.  He was a cutie, too.

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