Monday, March 29, 2010

Seth's Birthday Party

Seth's birthday isn't until Wednesday, but this is weekend Beth was off, so we had his party on Sunday.
We went to lunch, then bowling, and then back to the house for ice cream cake - mmmmmmmmmmmmm!
This is an autographed football Seth got from Beth & John.
This was the last one #13 signed as a 49er before he was traded.

Seth got a DOT helmet for 4-wheeling.  He can make decals for it at school in his media class.

Mark couldn't bowl so he was Harrison's nanny for the day.

This is the ice cream cake - vanilla and chocolate with those crunchy sprinkles between layers -mmmm!

The "boys" look at cake and wonder how much they will get to eat.

Helen and Harrison look on as Logan entertains them.

A close up of Harrison - he is 5 months old today!

Logan and Harrison

Logan loves bowling. 

Beth's tatoo of the boys' footprints.
                                             Beth explains to Logan about the bowling ball holes.

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