Monday, March 29, 2010

Seth's Birthday Party

Seth's birthday isn't until Wednesday, but this is weekend Beth was off, so we had his party on Sunday.
We went to lunch, then bowling, and then back to the house for ice cream cake - mmmmmmmmmmmmm!
This is an autographed football Seth got from Beth & John.
This was the last one #13 signed as a 49er before he was traded.

Seth got a DOT helmet for 4-wheeling.  He can make decals for it at school in his media class.

Mark couldn't bowl so he was Harrison's nanny for the day.

This is the ice cream cake - vanilla and chocolate with those crunchy sprinkles between layers -mmmm!

The "boys" look at cake and wonder how much they will get to eat.

Helen and Harrison look on as Logan entertains them.

A close up of Harrison - he is 5 months old today!

Logan and Harrison

Logan loves bowling. 

Beth's tatoo of the boys' footprints.
                                             Beth explains to Logan about the bowling ball holes.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Few Random Pictures

This is Willie Reed #33.  He usually doesn't make his free throws.  This night he was 7 for 9.
Notice the fan on the side line wearing the #33.

Jim and Sunny hangin' out and watching the basketball games.
Me and Lanie doing some hang time girl style.  We both got a nap and play time together -
all by ourselves.  It was very special getting to know you time.

American Legion 20 Years of Continous Service

Tonight, Jim and I went to a covered dish dinner at the American Legion for his 20 year service award.
The night didn't start out to well.  Google gave Jim the very wrong directions - and the following actually happened.  When we figured out the directions were Jim called the Legion Home and got real directions!!
We still got there in time.
There were attendance prizes too.  The God Bless America box was one of them.

There is Bingo every Friday night there, so if you ever want to go play Bingo just let me know.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fires Are So Scary

Late last night I got a call from one of my renters.  She calmly told me the house she rents from us was on fire.  I asked if anyone was hurt - no - thank heavens.  I asked if the dog was okay - yes - thank goodness again.  This morning Jim and I went over there.  It was not nearly as bad as I thought.
She used an extinguisher on the fire until the firemen got there.  The fire was limited to the master bedroom, but burned their dresser & TV (new). The walls are covered with smoke and soot and the carpet is probably ruined.

She told me that the firestation would refill her extinguisher.

Lap Time

Lexi is now just beginning to sit in our laps.  She started with me a couple weeks ago.  Tonight, she cuddled up with Jim on his lap.  Lexi just turned 10 (March 8) and July 5th we will have had her 3 years.  She sure takes a long time to convince she is our kitty forever!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Target Practice

Nancy & I decided last year to take the MO. Conceal & Carry last year while she was fighting cancer.
Today, we took the class.  Ed, her husband let me borrow one of his handguns to shoot with.
Nancy is a much better shot than I am, but I still did pretty well.  I learned a lot from the class, too.
I probably won't ever carry a concealed handgun, but if I ever have to, I will be prepared or if someone breaks into our house and Jim is gone - I will know what to do.  Now Nancy & I now feel confident enough to go to the Wildlife range to practice by ourselves!

This is my target.  I did pretty well.  They taught us to shoot at the core of the body.  And that is what the practice was about today.

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