Monday, May 4, 2009

Sunday Afternoon - May 3rd

Jim and I gave a lunch on Sunday afternoon. Attending were my Mom, Bernie, Shirley, Carol, Ray, Gene, Courtney, Allison, Sara, Travis, Jack and Mckinley. The g-kids were both really tired. Sara tried to get some lunch in them. Jack didn't even get his lunch and he was asking to take a nap. He slept for several hours. Mckinley on the other hand would only sleep in Sara's arms. She finally got up and played for awhile, got a little food in her and crashed. You'll see some pics below.

We wanted to take pictures of Sara and Allison, but Jack wanted in the picture.

Mckinley crashed - with her patch on - she woke up to wear it in the car for strengthening her eye. She has to wear it two hours a day.

Sara and Allison

Mckinley found some energy and was playing with Jack - pretty soon they were taking turns stepping up on the wet wipes box. They would fall down then laugh and laugh.

Jack is to the point when you say, can I take your picture, he will look at you and sometimes even get into the pose you would like him to be in. Here he is with Travis. He loves Dad time, so you can tell.

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