Monday, May 4, 2009

Allison's Shower

Allison, Bonnie Bowers & even Geoff received presents at the shower and lots of them.
There was lots of good visiting and food. I think everyone had a really good time - I know I did.

Sara made the cake. Very pop and very good tasting.

No Sieve baby shower would be complete without a hand-made quilt from Allison's Aunt Carol. I'm not sure how many quilts Carol makes a year, but she quilts almost daily and makes lots of quilts for babys, weddings, auctions and church. You can tell how much love goes into them.

Me, Allison, and Grandma Mary (my Mom) - We are not all together that often - so I took the opportunity to get a shot of us together.

I gave Allison, Goeff, and Bonnie a web cam so we can see Bonnie growing up. Hopefully, it won't be long and they will back in St. Louis. Sara helped me pick it out. Thank you, Sara.

Allison and her sister, sister-in-laws, and Patrick's daughters - they are all growing up and going in different directions -

Allison and some of her sorority sisters - notice two of them are also expecting and both with girls, too.

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