Monday, May 25, 2009

Some Good Shots

It isn't very often they are all in the same spot at the same time, so I thought I would get this picture. This is Sara, Travis, Jackson and Mckinley. Cali is in the background.

I heard some raddling in garage, then some jingling, and out walked Lexi. She had been sleeping in an empty recycle slot in our garage. Jim picked her up and she didn't fuss like she usually does when someone picks her up. She is fitting in well into our family. I think she had to believe by time passing that we were going to keep her and not send her back, like her preivous families.

Jackson's Early Birthday Present

Jackson got his bike as an early birthday present. Sara & I had taken him to Walmart and this is the one he could ride.

Grandpa helped the kids on their new "bikes."

Jackson also received his helmet early. He took his first tumble on the bike today. He skinned his knee and both hands, but not his head. Sara puts the helmet on him. He didn't mind it at all.

Mckinley Is Two Today

Mckinley being sung to for her birthday. She ate about 8 servings of ice cream.

Jackson showing us his smile with a little ice cream.

Mckinley's Dora trike/big wheel.

Jackson giving Mckinely a push on her trike.

Friday, May 8, 2009

What Makes Spring Beautiful

These are some of my flowers/plants that have come up this year so far. I think it is going to be a good flower/plant year.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sunday Afternoon - May 3rd

Jim and I gave a lunch on Sunday afternoon. Attending were my Mom, Bernie, Shirley, Carol, Ray, Gene, Courtney, Allison, Sara, Travis, Jack and Mckinley. The g-kids were both really tired. Sara tried to get some lunch in them. Jack didn't even get his lunch and he was asking to take a nap. He slept for several hours. Mckinley on the other hand would only sleep in Sara's arms. She finally got up and played for awhile, got a little food in her and crashed. You'll see some pics below.

We wanted to take pictures of Sara and Allison, but Jack wanted in the picture.

Mckinley crashed - with her patch on - she woke up to wear it in the car for strengthening her eye. She has to wear it two hours a day.

Sara and Allison

Mckinley found some energy and was playing with Jack - pretty soon they were taking turns stepping up on the wet wipes box. They would fall down then laugh and laugh.

Jack is to the point when you say, can I take your picture, he will look at you and sometimes even get into the pose you would like him to be in. Here he is with Travis. He loves Dad time, so you can tell.

Allison's Shower

Allison, Bonnie Bowers & even Geoff received presents at the shower and lots of them.
There was lots of good visiting and food. I think everyone had a really good time - I know I did.

Sara made the cake. Very pop and very good tasting.

No Sieve baby shower would be complete without a hand-made quilt from Allison's Aunt Carol. I'm not sure how many quilts Carol makes a year, but she quilts almost daily and makes lots of quilts for babys, weddings, auctions and church. You can tell how much love goes into them.

Me, Allison, and Grandma Mary (my Mom) - We are not all together that often - so I took the opportunity to get a shot of us together.

I gave Allison, Goeff, and Bonnie a web cam so we can see Bonnie growing up. Hopefully, it won't be long and they will back in St. Louis. Sara helped me pick it out. Thank you, Sara.

Allison and her sister, sister-in-laws, and Patrick's daughters - they are all growing up and going in different directions -

Allison and some of her sorority sisters - notice two of them are also expecting and both with girls, too.

Annette's Playlist

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