Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Science Fair

For years all my students did Science Fair. I loved doing it. We had a system worked out that kept the kids working on the project for most of the year.
Funding was cut about 5 years ago and we stopped requiring Science Fair projects.
One of my students came to me and said she would like to do Science Fair. So we worked out a schedule and she came with a couple of ideas. I helped her work out the gliches and she worked out really hard to produce a really good experiment and report. Below is her Science Fair Board that she entered in the County Science Fair.
She took second in her catagory.
She reminded me of how much fun it was all those years doing Science Fair with the kids. So next year, I'm going to offer extra credit to my students - Science Fair broken into 4 sections - one for each quarter.
Thanks for doing Science Fair!

The New G-kid is a Girl!!

Allison called. She had her sonogram appointment tonight. Our new g-kid is a girl and healthy!!! Allison & I both thought it was a boy. But my sister, Beth is also going to have a baby and maybe that is what I picked up on. I'm usually pretty good at predicting what the baby is. A couple of years ago, I predicted two of them incorrectly in the same year and that is unusual, so maybe I was just plain wrong. Only time will tell.

This is Aunt Allison with our other G-kids last Dec. Now she is going to be Momma Allison in mid August.

Dream Room

Since October 1994 I have been learning about my dreams. I discovered so much about myself and credit dream work for helping me get my teaching career going. I had a dream educator, read books, journaled about my dreams and my life and learned to analyze my own dreams. All my dream stuff was kept in my bedroom. Finally it over flowed my night stand and Rosemary, my dream educator gave me most of my files back, because there were several boxes of them.
So I moved all my dream stuff into our guest room. It is now called the dream room.
It is also the only room upstairs that still had carpeting in it and hadn't been painted since we moved in the house in 1995.
Over spring break we painted the room and Jim laid a new maple floor in it.
It is so nice now and looks much better.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Another Baby on the Way

As I walked out to my car after another 12 hour day of school and conferences, my cell rang. It was Beth, my sister. She had really good news. She is going to have baby number two. It is due November 12. 2009. Congratulations Beth & John!

Beth & John in December 2008

Logan, Beth & John's son. He will be 3 years old in June 2009.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Chicken Dinner (Lunch)

We met the Brinkers for lunch today. We left our house today during a storm and didn't have electricity, but once we got to Jim's family church the skies were a beautiful blue.

This is Gildahaus Church. Jim went to grade school here. Not only did we eat some fresh fried chicken, but we both took chances on the same baby quilt. Jim and David kidded around as they stood in front of the principal's office.

In front of the cafeteria were these two roosters. You could buy chances on them.
I think Jim did when he bought tickets for the 50/50 raffle.

We had a nice lunch, good company, and beautiful blue skies today.

Happy Birthday Lexi

Lexi was born today March 8, 2000. That makes her 9 years old. She has been with us since July 5, 2007. I'm reading her card to her, but she is more interested in getting up on the counter.

Lexi and Sunny are enjoying their dinner - tuna - YUM!

Annette's Playlist

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