Thursday, February 18, 2010

Our Move of the Game

Jim and I got the "move of the game" at the Bills game last night.  They didn't have it on the big screen because they ran out of time.  I actually had my SLU sweatshirt.  We moved from section 212 row A, to section 104 row B.  It was really neat to see the players up so close.  However, the down side is that people are constantly walking in front of you.  You could also have a player in up in your lap.  One landed in row A right in front of me.  There was no one sitting there, so no one was hurt.
I also ended up in STL sports pictures today on the internet. Jim spotted me easily.  Thank you, honey.

MaryAnn, Allison and Geoff were there!

Mitchell shooting a free throw.  He is a great player.
#33 is Willie Reed. He is 6' 10"  Can you imagine standing next to him?

The bench.

This is Bob and one of his friends.  His wife Jan was working at the Fox.
The last time Bob brought this film, they were on the Kiss Cam.  We still laugh about that night.

My Aunt Hilda and her husband & 2 g-kids have season tickets, also.
At least we are at the same end of the court.

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