Friday, August 7, 2009

Darn School For Starting So Early, Shorten My Trip to Eugene

I went to Eugene to visit Allsion and Geoff.

When I got there it was 106F. And no AC in the apartment. So we went swimming a couple of times.

It cooled off some at night. Allison & I did some very important shopping for the baby.

On Saturday morning we had biscuits and gravy, then went to Saturday Market downtown.
It includes what Allison calls a hippie market, I bought two bracelets, and a farmers market. It was a very nice morning. We had to go home so Allison could rest, but went to baby resale and snagged a base free for the Cougar. After Allison rested and we ate lunch we did some more shopping for Lanie, of course.

These are some plants from the Farmers Market.

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