Sunday, August 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Allison!

Today is Allison's birthday, so we called her this afternoon on Skype.
The top 3 pictures are from today and the last one is from 8-16.
Allison said she has had a good day. We are happy we got to talk to her and see them on Skype. She'll be home Sept. 9th and we'll get to hold our new g-girl.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Lanie Belle Arrives Today 8-7-09

This is the hospital Lanie is in right now.

This hospital has only been opened a year. They must have known Lanie was going to be born there.

This is Lanie's room at the apartment. Everyone had a hand in decorating it.
Geoff & Allison bought and put together all the furniture. The quilts on the bed & the glider was made by Allison's Aunt Carol Narup. Sara & Travis had the accent wall painted. I helped hang the shelves and pictures. Linda made the curtains. And lots and lots of people sent clothes and baby needs to Lanie. She is going to be well taken care of. Larry sleeps between the bed and crib and he is her number 1 fan!

Darn School For Starting So Early, Shorten My Trip to Eugene

I went to Eugene to visit Allsion and Geoff.

When I got there it was 106F. And no AC in the apartment. So we went swimming a couple of times.

It cooled off some at night. Allison & I did some very important shopping for the baby.

On Saturday morning we had biscuits and gravy, then went to Saturday Market downtown.
It includes what Allison calls a hippie market, I bought two bracelets, and a farmers market. It was a very nice morning. We had to go home so Allison could rest, but went to baby resale and snagged a base free for the Cougar. After Allison rested and we ate lunch we did some more shopping for Lanie, of course.

These are some plants from the Farmers Market.

Annette's Playlist

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