Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Allison is 4 hours from St. Louis

Allison just called from Arizona and is waiting for the last leg of her flight home. It is a 14 hour travel day for her and she and Bonnie are tired, but soon they will be home. The doctor cleared her for flying, so with a good night's sleep she should be fine. She told me she was going to work on Thurs.this week and Tues. next. She misses her St. Louis work friends. I am just so happy she is coming home and hopefully will make a second trip yet this year. They have a wedding Sept. 12th here in St. Louis and Bonnie Bowers will be born and have her official name. That is just a month after she is due, so I hope all is fine so they can travel at that time.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 2009 KC Misc. Pictures

Jim & Jack at Lowes working on his birdhouse.

Mckinley riding on a cart - hanging with the adults while they shopped and loving it.

Jack test riding a possible birthday bike. He was cruising the store and would yell for Sara and when she would get there, he would point at a toy and say "Maybe I could get that for my birthday."

Mckinley in her Easter dress. Sara took it off of her to take a nap and she cried, she didn't want to take it off. She looks really good in green and pink.

G-ma and Mckinley - what can I say - she's my G-girl!

Lowe's and the New Garden

While at Lowe's Jim and Travis picked up bags of soil and manure for the new garden.

Sara & Travis discuss the size of the garden and are using landscaping ties to mark off the garden. Travis now knows where he has to dig up the soil.

Jim, Sara, & Travis go on to discuss even more on the size and site of the garden.
Getting the garden in just the right place is important for the best yield.

Jack and Mckinley busy themselves with bubbles while Dad, Mom and Grandpa talk about the new garden.

Mckinley plays in the sandbox. Any chance the kids get to play outside is a plus for them. They love to play outside.

Lowe's - Birdhouse and Patches

Saturday morning in KC we all got going to Lowe's and kids built their second set of birdhouses. Jack is working here on a small piece of his birdhouse.

Sara & Jack continue the building.

Travis and Mckinley work on her bird house.

Jack proudly displays his finished birdhouse. When he got finished he walked up to the man who was running the workshop and he gave Jack a patch. Jack now has 4 or5 patches.

Travis and Mckinley with her birdhouse. She knows about patches, too. She is one patch behind Jack. She doesn't like that too much.

Easter Doings

The G-kids woke up Sunday morning to baskets.

They loved playing with all the little toys. Sara had to get out the extra baskets so all the candy could be sorted. She realizes the kids can now open the chocolate candy by themselves - she will have to keep a watchful eye on the chocolate.

Both g-kids loved the egg hunting even though they have had lots of practice prior to Easter. We had to hurry because it was going to rain.

Jim and Mckinley had to shift eggs into another basket because her basket was overflowing and there were more eggs to find.

Mckinley works on putting stickers on her eggs. We later ate the dyed eggs as deviled eggs. They were good.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

"Bonnie" Bowers

Allison and Geoff are going to keep the new g-girl's name a secret until she is born, so I decided to give her a name. Instead of calling her "Baby Girl Bowers," I'm going to call her Bonnie Bowers until she is born and has an official parent given name.

Spring Flowers

Today was a beautiful day to work in the yard. I was out at 8 am and went in for dinner after 6 pm.
These are Jim's daffodils that were here when we moved in. The daffodils were around two trees. When both trees died and the trees were cut down, Jim made sure the plants were left. So when they come up every year, Jim carefully cuts around them until they die back for the summer.

This is a Bleeding Heart. Last year this plant got about 4 feet high and lived almost all summer. It is supposed to die back after it gets warm for the summer.

These are Pink Philox. They are in the pool area. It is actully an ever green, so it holds up really well where it is hot and dry.

This is purple philox. It is just outside the pool area and gets just a bit a shade.
It is 10 years old and is spreading some every year.

Today is the first day I used my Christmas present from Jim. I love this cart. It has a place for the little stuff so I can find it. It may sound weird to give someone a cart for Christmas, but I love anything I can use outside. I have a wheelbarrow, but Jim thought I might like this better. He was right. It is harder to tip over and since we have lots of slopes it works great.

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