Friday, November 14, 2008

Good-bye Connie -We'll miss you

Jim & I went out to dinner Wednesday night with our friend Connie. We became friends a few years ago when she inherited a house. She was telling me about it and I offered to help her clean it out. We had a hot, hardworking summer and found some treasures - some we just couldn't part with and others we couldn't wait to sell or trade. Most of all we got to know each other, laughed a lot and even had some words with each other - what a balance in a relationship - it was such a rewarding time on many levels.
Then in 2006 Connie moved to Texas to be closer to her 3 adult children and their families. She was really, really bored, so she moved back. Now is moving back to Texas, once again to be nearer to her children. What I haven't said is this. Connie is one of our renters and she is the person who gave us Sunny - our beloved rescued cat. Connie is funny and a very generous person. She is intelligent and speaks her mind. She told me she has two books started. I hope she finishes them someday.

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