Thursday, November 20, 2008

Not the Way to Get a Deer

Jim & I were coming home last night from the Bills game when this sad incident happened. We were talking about how the deer movement patterns had changed even before deer season started and how we haven't seen many deer at all since early fall. We were on Hwy. DD when we saw several deer off to the right. We were just passing the group of deer on the right and another deer about 50 feet ahead of us walked out into the road. There are no shoulders, so there is no choice but to hit your brakes and keep your car on the road. The deer just stopped walking and was looking the opposite direction. Jim hit the deer. My hands went over my eyes. I was for sure the deer would fly over the top of the car. It didn't. The car killed the deer on impact and the deer slid away from us into a ditch. So we hit it, but didn't run over it. It didn't move. The last two miles home were long. Jim felt bad about the deer and was worried about the damage on the car. We arrived home and both jumped from the car. We both were looking for damage on the front end of the car, then looked at each other, then back at the car again. No damage, none, well, a little - the license plate was bent at the bottom. Huh? There had to be damage.
I ran my hand along the bumper and even bounced the bumper to make sure it was on the car tightly. We both shook our heads in disbelief, thankful the car wasn't hurt, but still feeling bad about the deer.

Four deer eating corn and birdseed in our backyard a few years ago.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Good-bye Connie -We'll miss you

Jim & I went out to dinner Wednesday night with our friend Connie. We became friends a few years ago when she inherited a house. She was telling me about it and I offered to help her clean it out. We had a hot, hardworking summer and found some treasures - some we just couldn't part with and others we couldn't wait to sell or trade. Most of all we got to know each other, laughed a lot and even had some words with each other - what a balance in a relationship - it was such a rewarding time on many levels.
Then in 2006 Connie moved to Texas to be closer to her 3 adult children and their families. She was really, really bored, so she moved back. Now is moving back to Texas, once again to be nearer to her children. What I haven't said is this. Connie is one of our renters and she is the person who gave us Sunny - our beloved rescued cat. Connie is funny and a very generous person. She is intelligent and speaks her mind. She told me she has two books started. I hope she finishes them someday.

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