Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Baby Boy Bowers Is on the Way

The Friday night before Father's day I had a dream that Allison was pregnant with a boy and he was born on my birthday.  On Father's day we went to Allison's house for brunch.  Lanie was running around and I saw some writing on her shirt, but she wouldn't stand still long enough for me to read it.
Finally, Allison caught her and turned toward us and said, "look!"  Lanie's shirt said, "Big Sister."  I started jumping up and down and hugging Allison  all at once.  Then I told her about my dream. 
I guessed Lanie's name before she was born, so we'll see if the names I have picked match with what they will name the new Baby Boy Bowers.  I think for now I'll just call him BB Bowers.

Proud parents!

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