Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jim!

Jim's birthday is Christmas Eve.  We had the kids and g-kids over for lunch, then opened presents.  We saved cake until last.  Bowers' and Kuhls' were both here.  Since the Kuhls' didn't come for Christmas, they opened their presents on Jim's birthday celebration. 
After the kids leave, we go to our friends house, for another birthday celebration and dominoes. If we make it that late, we go to church with Nancy and Ed.
Chocolate camo cake

Jim's second cake....carrot yummy!


This is what happens when you stay up until 5am partying - you sleep with Big Bird.

Mckinley was very excited to get cake!!

Merry Christmas Season

Several years ago we started having "Christmas" earlier in the month so there is less stress on everyone trying to make it here.  My sister & her husband, being a police officers often have to work or be on call during on the holidays, so this works well for them also.  I have it during the day because the older people do not like driving at night and I can get some rest in the this seems to work well for everyone. 
     This year Helen's Mother, Mildred joined us.  She is almost 91 and said she really liked the food and the company.  The kids were really good and this year Harrison and Lanie were old enough to play with Logan.  They got along so well and played until they dropped.
Lanie & Harrison, they love to eat together or maybe they just know it is expected of them.

The Grandma's eat with the kids so they get more time with them.

Harrison insisted Beth eat with them. 

See! he is so happy!

"Tinkerbell, Tinkerbell!" is all Lanie said the whole time she opened her big gift.

Hailey joined us after a funeral.

Seth loves hanging with the little kids and playing with their toys.  It makes him smile.

As close as I could get to a Bowers' family photo.

Logan and Harrison play with their cars.

Helen and Mark

Beth and Annette, I wonder if she will shrink like I did.

My vegetable Christmas tree was a hit, not once, not twice, but three times this season!

Annette's Playlist

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