Sunday, December 9, 2012


We hope you have a good day!
Looking forward to seeing you soon!  We love you!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Happy Birthday, Harrison!

Harrison's birthday party was a little early, but we celebrated today with a Halloween theme.  It gives the kids a chance to wear their costumes twice.  They had a really good time today.
H. R. opens presents

The super heroes  practice their sword skills

Hailey practices her swing

Katie Perry practices her sword skills

The kids gather for presents

the big kids dress up, too

Logan, the ninja

The Iron-Man cake

Isn't this costume so cute?

The birthday boy - having so much fun!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Baby Boy Bowers Is on the Way

The Friday night before Father's day I had a dream that Allison was pregnant with a boy and he was born on my birthday.  On Father's day we went to Allison's house for brunch.  Lanie was running around and I saw some writing on her shirt, but she wouldn't stand still long enough for me to read it.
Finally, Allison caught her and turned toward us and said, "look!"  Lanie's shirt said, "Big Sister."  I started jumping up and down and hugging Allison  all at once.  Then I told her about my dream. 
I guessed Lanie's name before she was born, so we'll see if the names I have picked match with what they will name the new Baby Boy Bowers.  I think for now I'll just call him BB Bowers.

Proud parents!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Lanie!

Hope you loved your birthday party.  We love you.
 Lanie looks through a book.

 Lanie opens her new MU piggy bank.

Lanie in her b-party bouncy house.

Lanie's party cupcakes.  They were very good.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Seam Award

In May I received the SEAM Award at school.  I also received it for the District.  It is for working with special education students in my room.  I'm proud of the work I do with these kids.  A lot of them feel successful in my classroom, where they struggle in other classes. 
This is the district award, it is glass, so it had to be laid down to photograph.

The certificate is from the district and the star award is the building award. 

Happy Birthday, Grant!

Today, is Grant's birthday.  He is 2 years old today.  We love you Grant.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Allison invited us over for brunch.  We had an egg casserole, bacon, cinnamon rolls and fruit.   It was very good.  Then we hung out for awhile.  Happy Father's Day Jim and Geoff.

Happy Father's to Travis, hope you had a good day.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jackson! # 7

Jackson turned 7 years old today.  Hope you have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Mckinley & Jackson

The Kuhl's and Bowers' came by on Monday.  We celebrated Mckinley  & Jackson's birthdays.
It wouldn't be a trip to Grandma's without going to see Nancy's chickens.
Floppy is a leg horn that is nice, so the kids can pet her without her putting up a fuss.
Next time you come out, the pool will be ready.  Hope to see you soon.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


                                                  Have a wonderful 5th birthday!  See you soon.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Catch Up Time

I haven't done posts for awhile, so here is up has been going on.

We had several outings with our Billikens' friends, Jan and Bob this basket ball season.
We celebrated Nancy's birthday at our house this year.  We bought her a cart that she could use at the flea market.  She used it last weekend and she helped her to lean on it as she went up and down the hills. 
In February, my cousins got together at my Mother's house to exchange picture files.  We had a great time.  My cousin, Donna, found a "yearbook" my Mom put together as a kid and gave it back to her.  She said she had forgotten about it. 
We continue to contribute to Nancy's chicken eggs production.  I sell some of them at work and give her all my food scraps the chickens love.  In return, I get all the eggs we can eat around here.  Some of the eggs are exceptionally big.  On the left is a large egg, on the right is an extra large egg.  You cannot buy any better eggs than Nancy's eggs.  No steroids or antibiotics are ever given to the chickens.  They get lots of fresh water, fresh food (plus their chicken food) and exercise.  They are the best tasting eggs I've ever eaten.
I found 3 great deals!  I bought coats for Lanie, Mckinely and Grant for next winter.  I couldn't find one in Jackson's size or he would have gotten one, also.  So 3 out of 4 ain't bad!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Instead of going to a parade or going to the St. Charles County Caucus, I babysat for my g-girl, Lanie.  It stormed for several hours and we even had to hunt up lights because the electric was off for almost 2 hours.
Later we made chocolate chip cookies.  Lanie had been sick all week and must be feeling better because she ate non-stop and asked to go to bed at 7:30 pm.  She is sleeping soundly even now.
It was scarey, fun day.  The CC cookies made it all better.
Happy St. Patrick's Day all!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jim!

Jim's birthday is Christmas Eve.  We had the kids and g-kids over for lunch, then opened presents.  We saved cake until last.  Bowers' and Kuhls' were both here.  Since the Kuhls' didn't come for Christmas, they opened their presents on Jim's birthday celebration. 
After the kids leave, we go to our friends house, for another birthday celebration and dominoes. If we make it that late, we go to church with Nancy and Ed.
Chocolate camo cake

Jim's second cake....carrot yummy!


This is what happens when you stay up until 5am partying - you sleep with Big Bird.

Mckinley was very excited to get cake!!

Merry Christmas Season

Several years ago we started having "Christmas" earlier in the month so there is less stress on everyone trying to make it here.  My sister & her husband, being a police officers often have to work or be on call during on the holidays, so this works well for them also.  I have it during the day because the older people do not like driving at night and I can get some rest in the this seems to work well for everyone. 
     This year Helen's Mother, Mildred joined us.  She is almost 91 and said she really liked the food and the company.  The kids were really good and this year Harrison and Lanie were old enough to play with Logan.  They got along so well and played until they dropped.
Lanie & Harrison, they love to eat together or maybe they just know it is expected of them.

The Grandma's eat with the kids so they get more time with them.

Harrison insisted Beth eat with them. 

See! he is so happy!

"Tinkerbell, Tinkerbell!" is all Lanie said the whole time she opened her big gift.

Hailey joined us after a funeral.

Seth loves hanging with the little kids and playing with their toys.  It makes him smile.

As close as I could get to a Bowers' family photo.

Logan and Harrison play with their cars.

Helen and Mark

Beth and Annette, I wonder if she will shrink like I did.

My vegetable Christmas tree was a hit, not once, not twice, but three times this season!

Annette's Playlist

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