Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy Birthday, Allison

Hope your day is wonderful!!!

You have become a wonderful mother, wife and friend.  We love you!

Saturday, August 13, 2011


I babysat Lanie today...all day.  She is very fun, but things don't always go as planned.  Our plan was go swimming, eat lunch, nap, play inside, dinner and then time to be picked up.   She ate from the time she got here until left, except when she was sleeping.  She even insisted on eating whole pizza slice at lunch.  She is also starting to tell you when she has to go potty (her diaper was still wet).  Today, was a Mickey and Elmo day - all day.
See where her small food bites are?  She got up and moved by the whole pieces of pizza, so she could eat them.  She ate 3 pieces and started a 4th.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, Lanie!

Lanie turned 2 on Sunday.  Allison and Geoff gave her a party.
She had cake
and cookies
and her favorite foods
and we played "pin the nose on Elmo"
Lanie was very happy we all came to celebrate her 2nd b-day with her.

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