Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Helen!

Helen, Hope you have a fun & wonder birthday on Tuesday.

Happy Anniversary Sara & Travis!

Happy Anniversary! The party started 7 years ago today!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom & Jeff

Saturday is my Mom's birthday and also my friend Jeff.  We wish them both a wonderful day.

Mom is still struggling with her back, but she is improving.  Bob is not improving as fast as hoped, but none the less is slowly re-learning how to do things for himself.
Mom spends most of her time taking care of him.

Jeff takes lots of pictures, many have been published.  He didn't take this one, but everytime I take a picture of the moon, I wonder if he is out taking pictures, too.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Jackson!

Happy Birthday Jackson!  It was fun to be at your birthday party with so many of your friends.
Have a great day with Dad, Mom and your sister and brother.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

KC Overnite

Here are some other pictures of the June 4th trip to KC.  Travis and Grandpa took Mckinley to a Strawberry Shortcake birthday party. 

Jackson's Birthday Party

Jim & I went to KC for Jackson's birthday party.  It was a good day.  Jackson helped.  He made scarey dinosaurs for the water balloon attack.  He helped me make the water poor fingers.
The tank hint was a huge hit. The guests took home dog tags and MREs.

Here Jackson and Mckinley are throwing water balloons.  Notice the boy standing behind Jackson has a broken wrist?  He actually has two broken wrists.  He managed to throw water balloons with no problem.

Grant watched from Grandpa's lap.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

First Tomato of My Summer

Today, when Jim & I returned home from KC, I had a ripe tomato on the vine.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Teacher Road Trip

Keiren, Brian, & I took a road trip to Lone Jack, MO to go to the graduation party of one of our former students, Hillary.  It was a long day, but so worth the trip.

Hillary was so surprised.  She was very angry (p.o.ed, I think were her words) that she hadn't heard from us...not even a card.  Her Mom knew we were coming and kept the secret well.

I asked Hillary what her plans were...she is not letting any grass grow under her feet.  She is starting college is summer and will have her RN in two years, then go on to get BS in Nursing.  Yeah Hillary, we are so proud of you!

Bailey Has Made Himself at Home

Bailey prefers water out of a glass instead of a bowl.  He doesn't seem to care where the glass is and that he is not supposed to be on the counter.

Bailey's other big achievement is napping on the bed with Sunny.  This doesn't happen often, but I see more naps together in their futures.

Bailey is over 8 pounds now. 

Annette's Playlist

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