Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Misc. Activities Over the Last Months

Jim and Lanie taking a nap.                                           

Lanie needed a new pair
shoes, so off we went! 
 She has to wear tennis to daycare, so tennis it was!

Lanie reflecting, whatever it is 20 month old girls reflect on - probably shoes - it runs in the family.

 Sunday, when the Kuhl's came by, it was so nice we had to play outside.

Jackson and Mckinley blew bubbles at each other.

Finally, Sara sent them to the yard to run off some energy for the trip back to KC.

Grant enjoyed sitting in the grass.  Notice how far Jackson is out in the yard.  He was chasing bubbles.

Bailey now weighs 8.2 pounds. He is getting to be buddies with Sunny, well sort of.

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