Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy 14th Birthday Seth!

Today is Seth's 14th birthday. 
Seth's top notch, first prize winning Science Fair project.

Seth hanging with cous, Harrison, at our house last Dec.  He sure has grown up this past year.

Do all the Sassmann's  have the same color eyes?
I'm thinking - yes!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lanie's First Billikens Game

Lanie joined us on Saturday, while Mommy and Geoffie went to party with friends.  Lanie thought I'll go with Grandpa and Grandma to the Billikens game and get everything I want.
Lanie did very well.  It was a little loud at first and she didn't like the buzzer at all.  Her favorite things were the frizbee catching dogs, she called puppies and the cheerleaders.  She liked sitting on Grandpa's lap.  Our friends were impressed she was so well behaved and talked so much.

Lanie's new skill, she can hold a cup and clap at the same time.  She clapped most of the 2 hours we were there.

When Lanie was tired of clapping she would rest and shake her pompoms.

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