Sunday, February 20, 2011


For Stella and my birthday we went to Maggiano's on The Blvd.  We were told to order family style, so they we could try more things and bring home a doggie bag.  Jim & I didn't even bring home half of the "to go" food and we had two bags.  The food was good and there was a lot of it.  They were busy and it was hard to talk to each other, but we managed.  It was good to see the Kim and Stella and to get to celebrate our birthdays together once again.  Next year, I think it will be our 30th year of birthdays together, so maybe we should have a party!

The Hall Bath

We had a new floor laid in the hall bath, which spured me into a paint journey - here's the results.
I think I'm going to have to get a new shower curtain...all in good time.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Busy February Already

We have had a busy February and it is kicking my butt.  School is so busy.  At home we put in new kitchen and bathroom floors.  The kitchen is finished, but I am still painting the bathroom and the trim is not in yet.
The center of floor is my bling!
This is all natural stone.  I love it.

This floor is laid in a brick pattern opposite of the way it should be laid, so it will look like it was laid at a 45 degree angle when you walk in

I made a basket up of nuts and crackers for a trivia night at our school.  It raised money to buy portable defibulators for school that do not have them in the state of Missouri
Allison, Lanie and Geoff came to visit on Sunday.  We had breakfast and then hung out for awhile.  It was fun just to have some time to catch and play with the g-girl.

Lanie loves being hung upside down and swinging.
She is talking so much.  She repeats everything you say trying to learn words.  She is already putting two words together on her own.  I know a little sign from school and when I use it Lanie knows exactly what I'm saying.  She used to sign back to me and know she speaks what I'm signing.  That is cool!

Jim buys me roses for Valentines Day every year.  We got engaged on Valentines Day over 20 years ago.

The tile guy just called and said they would be here tomorrow afternoon to start the floor in my mudroom.  I must be crazy, but we are putting in a heated floor.  The floor is concreate and is freezing in the winter even with shoes on. It took me awhile to figure out what I wanted so I think the tile guy jumped right on it before I changed my mind.

Annette's Playlist

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