Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas, One and All!

Jim & I find it less stressful to have our Christmas with family on another date besides the 24th or 25th.  This year is was the 18th.  We also celebrated my sister's birthday. (It was the 3-0 one).  Helen and the boys stayed over night and we got to spend some more time with them.  I played with the little boys and hung with Seth some.  Helen and I watched a movie and just got to hang. 
It was a pretty good day.  My Mom was having back problems, so they had to leave early.

Happy Birthday Jim!

Yesterday, Christmas Eve was Jim's birthday. Since his Mother always sent him a birthday/Christmas card every year while she was alive, we make it a point every year to give Jim a separate birthday party. This year it was parties.....

Nancy made Jim cupcake's with candles, a card and separate present!
Boy, were those cupcakes good!!!

Ice Cream cake with the kids and g-kids.

Happy Birthday Jim!!!!!!!!!!!

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