Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sara's Birthday

Sara's Birthday isn't until December 9th, but they cruised by today, so we had cake and ice cream and snacks.  They said they were not staying long, so we had some snacks, the kids played and we had cake and ice cream. 

Travis holds Grant hoping he'll go to sleep for the ride home.

Geoff and Jackson check out an I-pad.

Mckinley poses for me and gives me a big smile.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

St. Louis University Campus

Today, we went to the Billikens Boys Basketball game.  It was the afternoon and so beautiful outside that I took a few pictures of the campus.  The Bills also won, so that made it even nicer.
This is the Chafitz Arena where the Bills play.

From left to right Bob, Jan and Ralph.
Bob & Jan have season tickets and now we sit across the aisle and two up from them.
Ralph is Bob's brother visiting from Denver.

This is the campus looking towards Grand Ave. and on the right side is the St. Louis University Church.  In the forground are some the playing fields.
Look how blue the sky is!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Weekend of Company

This past weekend the Kuhl's were in town.  On Friday, Sara gave a Allison a late 30th birthday party, since Sara was busy with Grant's birth back in August.
There was cake,

and babies,

and kids,

and drinking games. (Some of the Allison's friends are still single w/o kids.)

On Sunday, all the kids visited, (well Geoff sorta visited.)  Travis fixed my computer. Thanks, Travis!  And we took a walk.  The day was just beautiful out.

We visited our neighbor, Nancy, then headed home.

Then we stopped in front of the house to take some pictures.

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