Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 12, 2010 St. Louis Arch

We went to the 9-12 rally at the Arch in St. Louis.  They had us use our cell phones to registar our attendance there.  There were over 14,000 people.  Here are some shots:
 God Bless America!


 This is Dick Morris speaking and Roy (the RINO) Blunt is standing beside him on the big screen.

 Our banner hung across the main stage.

Grant's Dedication 9-19-2010

Two babies were dedicated today.
One was Grant.
He slept until the prayer, starting to wiggle and fuss, but Travis quickly calmed him down and he right back to sleep.

 This is the lady who did the dedication and said the prayers. 

After church, we went back to Kuhl's for lunch. These are the kids eating lunch.  The two older girls had been playing dress up.           
It was a very short trip to KC, but worth it.  Sara cooked a really good lunch and I graded papers on the way home.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Good Day of Protesting

The weather was just great today.  Nancy & I went to protest this morning.  It turned out to be such a good morning. The sun was shining.  We got so many positive honks and waves compared to only a few negative ones.  There were a lot of people there for it being a holiday weekend.
Someone brought Sarah Palin cutout, so we took pictures with her.  This is Nancy.

 This is Chuck, the writer of

  Nancy said as we were leaving today.  It makes me feel good to come here.  After not coming for a couple of weeks, you start to get depressed about our situation. When you are here, everyone is friendly and cares as much as you do, so you do not feel so lonely.  It is a very positive experience!

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