Monday, August 30, 2010

First Cousin Visit

Jim's cousins were in town.  They had a lunch on Friday and both Jim & I took off work to go.  The food was really good and company was even better.
  Dave & Linda Schmitt

  The Wilts and the Sieves 

 The Schmitts

Olathe' Visit

We finally got a weekend to visit Olathe' to visit our new g-son, Grant.


So now the Kuhl's are 5.
We had a really good time there.  Sara went to town making cookies and I ate 6 cookies. They were so good.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Allison's Birthday

Sunday, the day before Allison's 30th birthday, we celebrated her birthday.  I had a couple surprises for her.  One was a mint oreo ice cream cake.  It was much better than I thought it would be.

I made Allison a photo book of her first 30 years.  She had not seen some of the pictures.  So that was kind of cool. I'm very glad she liked it. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lanie's First Birthday

On Saturday August 7 we celebrated Lanie's birthday.  It was fun and she got so many presents.  Bowers will have to put an addition onto their house to store all of them, haha.

All Lanie, all day!

Annette's Playlist

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