Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the men in the family who are good Fathers and great Dads.

John with Logan

Lanie hanging out with Geoff last weekend.

Jim and Lanie having a fun time just this morning.  Lanie loves the faces and sounds Jim makes. Thanks for bringing her by Allison.

Travis in Chicago with Jim, Sara, Jackson, & Mckinley

Bob, Mom and Lanie Belle

Mark and Seth

Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Jackson and Mckinley

Tonight we celebrated Jackson and Mckinley's birthdays. Jackson is now 5 and Mckinley is now 3.

Kuhl's minus Travis (we missed you) came for dinner. Jackson ate A LOT of chicken. Mckinley once again displayed her love of chocolate ice cream by eating 2 helpings of ice cream and one bite of her cup cake.


Happy Birthday Jackson and Mckinley!
We love you.

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